Private Training Sessions
Improve your Scent Work skills with private or semi-private classes with us. This is an excellent option for dog teams that pursuing their Sport Detection Titles.
Training locations in Vancouver & Delta
Skills we can work on with you:
Leash techniques
Improving indication
Search Patterns
Ignoring distractions
Problem solving
Eliminating false alerts
Preparing for Trials
All sessions are 60 minutes . You can purchase a private on your own, or bring a friend or a second dog per session to make it a Semi/private Maximum two dogs per semi-private session.
To book a Private or Semi-Private session: Contact Danielle at:
Private Training Sessions
Improve your Scent Work skills with private or semi-private classes with us. This is an excellent option for dog teams that pursuing their Sport Detection Titles.
Training locations in Vancouver & Delta
Skills we can work on with you:
Leash techniques
Improving indication
Search Patterns
Ignoring distractions
Problem solving
Eliminating false alerts
Preparing for Trials
All sessions are 60 minutes . You can purchase a private on your own, or bring a friend or a second dog per session to make it a Semi/private Maximum two dogs per semi-private session.
To book a Private or Semi-Private session: Contact Danielle at: